MF DOOM: Rest In Power

Mike Corbett
3 min readJan 21, 2021

Once upon a ti… right well that's corny!

I dunno how old I was when I first heard MF DOOM, but that is not how my memory works, I loved for years and still love blink-182, when I played live I forgot the name of most of their songs, but I still love them and knew all the lyrics, the fun facts about who sang it what way first and the early demo stuff, but the names, forget it, I dunno! Same can be said with when I heard Doom, I am starting to think it was high school or shortly after, which for me was 2000–2003 and the shortly after woulda likely been mid 2000s, maybe 2005?

I am pretty certain I heard mouse and the mask first, but again, just not sure, it sounds right, it feels right, but who knows. I listened off and on for years, I didn’t always have a high opinion about hip hop so I didn’t always listen, the home I grew up in also didn’t prefer that music being played so double whammy.

Over the past 3 years (since 2018) I have been experimenting with being a rapper, I was always always a rhymer and been told I am smart and know my way around music, MF DOOM struck me again around that time and Eminem is always present as he is a big celebrity. The words they said and how they said them really invoked excitement for me and I decided this was not out of my reach, big problem I had were the beats I was rapping to were not my style so I felt off on all of them.

This brings MF DOOM in again, the abstract and interesting beats he used and made were the key to me rapping, in August of 2019 I pulled up a song I had been working on since roughly 2017 or before and decided that day was the day I wanted to become the rapper that I am now. Just like that the style struck me and MF DOOM took over.

WOAH! Rewind! I had made a few songs before, 10 to be exact, on the ides of March 2018, aka March 15th. They were not very good, they were not awful, but they were not who I was. You can check them out at if you feel inclined. Moving on.

MF DOOM with his unique style and true to self way about him, made me a better rapper, rhymer, don’t wanna go as far as saying better person, but, maybe? The songs I am writing and the beats I am selecting are now much different. I am very excited to spit rhymes now and it is easier than it used to be.

So this has all been a very long way to get to my main point, there are a lot of people gatekeeping and saying people shouldn’t be listening to him after death. I did NOT find him during madvillainy or MM FOOD. Neither were my first album. If mouse and the mask was my first intro then it woulda been 2005 or after, I had lived 20 years at that point. MF Doom has been gone since Oct 31 2020 and I found out with everyone else on Dec 31 2020. Since the moment everyone found out there has been an increase in his music being popular, he has topped itunes and other services. Now there are people saying others are fake fans and that is not the way I want to have it, music is made to be enjoyed.

So enjoy it, make it, hear it, listen to it, help create it. Follow your passions.



Mike Corbett

blogger, gamer, funny guy, tech lover, android owner, social media dude